My Life with the Dolphins
As the only child of a very middle-class couple, I was raised in a classical way. I had to be a model child, live up to certain standards. My true self was not accepted.
I spent some years at boarding school. There I hardly studied, couldn't hold my attention to it. Instead of being a "good" student and paying attention to the wisdom of books, I was all eyes and ears to the things that happened outside. My mind wandered to nature and life, the birds and the bees, the leaves on a tree ... There was an intense connection with nature.
I felt very much alone in a world where ratio was far more important than feelings and emotions. So I fled into my own world with my dolls and later my horse. Next to horse riding I loved music and dance, long walks in the snow, at the seaside or in the wood. I have always loved water: swimming felt as coming home. My dream was to swim with dolphins..
Writing was my outlet. The longing for warmth and alliance between me and the universe became a vital theme. I believed that the future would bring me closer to perfection..
I worked as an office employee, airhostess, editor, in sales, tourism, fashion.. Adventure, travelling .. all challenges fascinated me. After those trips I finally discovered that what I was looking for was to be found deep inside myself, not in the world.
In 1979 I gave birth to a baby boy. This was the beginning of a great adventure! By raising him I got deeper and deeper in the big vital question "why are we here?" More and more I listened to the call of my Inner Voice.
When my son was eighteen months old, my own father died. I had the privilege to guide him on this last trip, the final days, on the road to the other side. These two events (birth and death) and a lot of willpower made me choose for
my life course! During the next ten years, I studied metaphysics and theosophy. I wanted to get personally acquainted with the masters of Love and Wisdom. And this is what happened: I became a link between the masters and the people. I met Mother Theresa, Lame Deer, Kitaro,..
I was surrounded by famous Indian Yoga masters. They guided me on the path of life and were a real blessing to me. They symbolize the tree of life, symbol of Love and Wisdom. Their hearts are the roots, their knowledge the top and we are blessed to reap their fruit until we are able to connect with our Selves and are reborn in their Light, Love and Wisdom.
During one of his concerts I met Swamiji Ganapati Sachchidananda, a famous synthesizer player and above all a great teacher in meditation. I became one of his pupils. After the performance I showed him a picture of a dolphin in the ocean. He was so moved by the beauty of this creature.. he put a leaf in my hand, out of which he materialised a golden medallion:
on one side the symbol "AUM", on the other the sign of Neptune.
This was an omen of what was to take place in the future I believe!
When I met the film producer Armando Acosto, who was planning on shooting a movie with dolphins, I got so enthusiastic .. and things just started to happen!
During a yoga congress I met mataji Indra Devi - first lady of yoga. She healed my wounds, gave me back my self-confidence and taught me to follow the call of my heart.
"Love is the Highest Energy, Love is Light"
Everything in life is worthless if not come or done out of Love and Light
After training as rebirthing therapist and voice dialoguer, I followed yoga training with Indra Devi.
"You will bring my yoga in the world but in your own way".
One day she gave me a phone call: I should join her at the house of a friend, Pink Floyd's vocalist David Gilmour, where I watched a movie about swimming with dolphins in the Bahamas.
Ten days later I was already over there, playing around with these magical creatures!
During this first trip I had a special meeting with a giant black and white spotted dolphin. He scanned me completely and watched me very closely. Later a well known healer, who was also on this boat, told me this was a manifestation of Melchizidek, present to activate me and bring me closer to my real life work. Only years later I found out who this Melchizidek was and what it meant. But a seed was planted!
As "by coincidence" I got - on my way home - involved in a meeting with yoga master Sachchidananda who offered me the opportunity to speak in public for the first time about my wonderful experiences with dolphins.
I started to bring small groups to the dolphins in the Bahamas. The first couple of years I resigned on a catamaran together with Kathleen Dudzinski, famous oceanologist. I also got to know Jack Majol, world record-holder of free diving. He exercised a special yoga-technique to regulate his breathing before diving. He confirmed that what I had been doing in my yoga life was the best preparation to my encounters with the dolphins. And so I became more and more a real ambassador for dolphins and whales, I made a bridge between humans and dolphins.
Everything started to happen: I got invited to speak on radio and TV about my experiences, articles were published and new meetings took place.
Years later I sat at the border of the North Sea coast, my true home.
The sun was giving her last smile of the day over the quiet water surface. It looked like a dance of million diamonds. I asked myself: "if the reflection of the light is consciousness and I am the water, what do I have to do to accept the consciousness completely". The answer came very clearly: "be silent". I understood and a new phase in my life began. My quest for the masters had ended in this silence, where past and future connected.
The dolphins however stayed in my life, prominently! Living became a spontaneous movement of Love!
The approach and vision of the famous Joan Ocean about dolphins is very similar to mine, so I consider her to be my soul sister. I got in touch with her by mail and she accepted my name "Ocean", which is a great honor and blessing to me.
After the Bahamas I started to travel around the world, discovering new places where I met dolphins and whales in their natural environment: Greece, Trinidad, the Canary Islands, Egypt, Peru, Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize etc..
It was my ultimate goal to bring more people in close contact with the dolphins, pure Love.
In august 2000 I was in Egypt for the first time. I met the special dolphin "Oleen" who lived in close contact with a fisher boy, close to the coast.
She was pregnant at that time. Since she had lost a baby before I urged her to give birth to the new baby far from men and tourists, hoping this baby would live.
In November of the next year I went back: a clear voice had led me to Egypt! I went over there to look for good places and contacts to find dolphins in the Red Sea, to prepare a new trip the coming spring. This was the offset of a yearly stay with soul mates (humans and dolphins!).
I felt very clearly that I was called to this special spot to fulfil a special task: in a very short time the reef was overwhelmed with tourists who didn't know how to approach the dolphins in a correct manner. The dolphins got much stressed and so it became quite necessary to organise some protection: I founded "Dolphin Global Trust", worked hard, lobbied a lot with local authorities and quite soon the local authorities took over and the reef, the home of the dolphins became a safe place again!
In Truth, Simplicity and Love,
Ocean • [email protected] - copyright © 2022